Friday, February 25, 2011
It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, inhuman world
It’s okay, ma, I’m only dyin’---thanks, Bobby Dylan! Everything is ALWAYS relative, and, anyway, as a wise old adult once noted, there’s a lot of ruin in a nation. The United States of America ARE easily morphing into the Disunited States of Ruin. De jure is also ever catching up with de facto, and this is easily understood by clear-eyed and open minded observation of the climaxing battle in Wisconsin----of all places! Allow me to leap in consciousness to another hot spot, Egypt. If you believe the adolescents are in control of America, well---- I’ve recently been overwhelmed by a simple fact, which I think needs to be regularly trumpeted whenever ANYTHING about Islam is in the air: 91% of Egyptian females have had their clitorises MUTILATED!Forget about all the other de jure crap having to do with the “true” Koran, etc. ACTIONS speak louder than words! They say, “follow the money”, and you’ll find the source of destructive problems. Well, in the case of Islam, “ What did THEY know, and when did they know it?” translates into--- WHO ordered clitorectomies, and who DID IT? Actually, just as wrt to abortions, statistics tell us that every X minutes one is done, the same kind of TRUTH is applicable to fresh adolescents, who happen to be female in Islamic lands. I FEEL their pain! Right NOW! On another subject, which I believe also indicates the killing condition of Western man, the fact that probably 95% of us eat SLAUGHTERED animals also shows me the future---kill on, McDuff! “ 365 Good Reasons to be a Vegetarian”, by Victor Parachin, from 1998, just found my hands. One of these reasons deserves a denial or confirmation by VDH, given his awesome expertise about ancient history--- Supposedly, the conquering Roman Legions ate mostly plant life, and some fish, especially loving corn. When they “had to” eat meat, they complained! And, consider all the most powerful animals, like horses, oxen, and elephants---all of them are VEGETARIANS! Ah, the meat-eating adolescents of the West are rising up to fight to the death the clitoris mutilating children of Islam!Buy gold!PS---Bob Dylan is a vegetarian.
posted by James at 10:33 AM Contact me at
Thursday, February 24, 2011
De jure always plays catch up with de facto.
America had de jure slavery, in the old South, and freedom in the North, for African Americans. We fought a civil war that fortuitously enabled Lincoln to free the slaves, and produce de jure freedom for all. Still, Jim Crow saw to it that, de facto, the South remained semi-slavery-like, until the civil rights movement in the 1960’s. Ever since, de facto has bled into de jure. In 2011 America, bankruptcy is DE FACTO, for the federal government and many states, and we are finally seeing the law recognizing this. Hello DE JURE!So, allowing states to LEGALLY go bankrupt only recognizes the actual situation wrt our financial condition. One way or another, demography rules. Actually, it is quite amazing that BANKRUPTCY in political AND economic terms is sweeping the globe. What else can one say about the Middle East (especially), except that it is morally and otherwise bankrupt? Any group of people, from the smallest local band of “brothers and sisters”, to the biggest nation state, ALWAYS gets the government they deserve. If a critically large enough percentage of them don’t like the status quo, they can put their bodies on the line, and it’s do or die time---hello revolution! Well, clarity is crystallizing everywhere, as the truth spreads via the ubiquitous media so cheaply available. Here’s one simple fact that’s all one needs to predict the future of Egypt, and most probably all changing countries with populations made up of Muslims--- 91% of the women in the land of the pharaohs have suffered, DE JURE, genital mutilation!Projecting forward from that GROSS congruence of de jure and de facto must lead to a near term future of the rule of Islamic demography. Teach your children well, as the old hippy refrain went. And, there’s definitely one thing Islam does WELL---“teach” their children. We all know that a huge percentage of Islamic populations are very young, so--- Watch the WELL-TAUGHT children, as they assume their demographic RULE!
posted by James at 11:02 AM Contact me at
Monday, February 21, 2011
People AWAKE!
Liberalism cum socialism is dead. What ever IS begins, continues and ends. There is birth, sustaining and death. The essence of Liberalism IS death, since it’s always all about— DESTROYING. Those old enough may remember a couple of hoary and then-famous phrases from songs. The first perfectly encapsulates what’s happening in America, epitomized by the battle in Madison, Wisconsin---“ They’re coming to take me away, hah, ha”. For those too young to recognize this, it refers to “they” as attendants in an insane asylum. Si, mi amigos---the life-affirming majority of Americans IS coming to take away the Liberals! Pertinent to what’s sweeping the Middle East and Africa, do you remember the Folk Music era, when the phrase, “ They’re rioting in Africa, duh duh da ta duh”, by The Kingston Trio, was on most everybody’s lips? So, fifty years later, what do you know? Maybe the cold war between lovers of life and death desirers is finally heating up enough to clarify the issue, and relegate the Liberals aka destroyers to the ass heap of history! Gold ore must be purified by fire. Just so, mankind’s mental “gold ore” absolutely requires the FIRE of truth, and it just could be that with the connectivity wrought by high technology, the very few controllers of the hierarchical machinery of all dictators will be overwhelmed by their awakened slaves, who vastly outnumber them. The TRUE vast right wing “conspiracy” is coming out of the closet, right before our eyes!
posted by James at 11:25 AM Contact me at