James Crystal

Saturday, August 07, 2004
The Naked Kerry TRUTH

The Kerry tale continues to unravel. Yesterday I asked myself the obviously very important question, "Where does America get people like Kerry?" When you get right down to the very instant of his conception and the immediate core programming directly following that, I believe the whole con becomes simply explained. I'm wondering if I should tell you the National Enquirer headline that tells IT-ALL, now, or wait till the end and keep you in suspense.

Ah shucks, let's shuck this 'corny ear', yes dear, before it loses its flavor! You know how he wants to make up with France and all of old Europe, with a most basic filter for decision-making being that he will make the UN a full partner in such a vital part of the presidency? Go back to his childhood when he was brought up in Europe, especially France. Come on, what's the "Why didn't I think of that!" conclusion, the only one possible?

KERRY is Charles de Gaulle's illegitimate son!

YES! This is the naked TRUTH!

You know what that means, don't you?


Don't believe it? Don't be naïve! The rich and famous move in different circles, and if Mexicans can get phony ID'S, well come on!

How did little old James figure this out? The three years I spent in the Army, including a full year in Vietnam, but most sign-pointingly, the horrible final year in the states, when I came home, cracked this case. It all relates to what's now happening wrt Kerry's 'ribbons'. You just have to sit up and take a hard-core notice when 250 people who knew Kerry in Vietnam, including all but one of the officers commanding him, step forward and put their reputations on the line to say Kerry lied about so much. Specifically, the circumstances of the Silver Star are absolutely questionable.

According to the chapter from the upcoming book exposing all the details of Kerry's chicanery, he seems to have bypassed channels and submitted the paperwork himself!

Mix in this military soap opera the odd man in the Republican OUTS, hero John McCain, who is trying to stop the opening of the Kerry can. It hit me today: just like the 'boys' will do anything to protect their closed society---fraternities, Skull and Bones, et al---what is more sacred than the military? McCain and his ilk are quite aware that it's very likely that the Navy will get a big fat black eye, so while he'd usually be all for all the truth about JFK(2) coming out, he's deadly afraid of some other shit that might hit the fan.

Back to my own post-Vietnam experience---I wrote to my senator before leaving Nam to request being posted to California, and sure enough, I got to go to an Army finance office near Monterey, Ft. Ord. It was a large facility full of civilians, some of them men who escaped the draft. I was already in a flucked mood because I had to serve an extra year since I had 'volunteered' so I wouldn't have to be an infantryman. That last year was hanging over my bitter attitude, so I was unable to keep from offending all the people there. Of course, the normal military wheels ground away, and I was whisked away to a desolate place near Paso Robles, Camp Roberts. This was where all the 'losers' and 'oddballs' were dumped, and believe me, I sure fit in! The people there had all done something 'bad' to gain entry---think of it like the low expectation 'hell' where you can still contribute, until your time was up. I will never forget our Captain McDonald, who'd suffered a serious head wound in Vietnam, which blew away part of his brain---the poor guy was barely able to function.

So, wrt Kerry, it seems to me that his devious self-aggrandizing time on those Swift boats was swept under the rug, by the Navy, since they didn't want to ruin his future. But, my GOD, if he really did play the Purple Heart system like a violin, and contrived in his cheating heart way to get medals---well, he deserves a TOTAL OUTING!

The whole span of his life has to imply that he is the BASTARD son of that son of a bitch, Charles de Gaulle!

Therefore, it looks like I was wrong, horribly wrong. He's NOT the North Vietnamese Candidate.



Friday, August 06, 2004
Equal Yields?

A few more thoughts came up concerning M x m = 1.

What about how the "=" sign is used in chemistry? In this discipline chemical reactions go in ONE direction, and the "=" sign is read by "yields". Aha---there is the PRODUCT of the combining of different elements and compounds.

How does this relate to "Yield the RIGHT of way"? The result of this different level use of "yield" still ends up with a PRODUCTION. Something particular always comes into IDENTITY.

Equal as Identical

And, we're back to the "=" sign which can be a sign for the concept of "identical", in math. If x = y, they are "IDENTICAL", or else the symbols x and y stand for the same THING.

Where does the "Yield LEFT of Way" take us, to all the 'John Kerry's' of the world?

Identity Politics

As we are all over-aware, the human game is all about identity politics, which is just a further extension of IT-ALL. Does a blood corpuscle at the end of the line, in a cell collecting carbon dioxide, EQUAL another one dumping this waste in the lungs---are they IDENTICAL? Maybe they are, and it's just an illusion that they are separate.

IT-ALL is always an EQUAL OPPORTUNITY play-off, up and out!

Two deep clichés cry out for application to Kerry.

As we experience the bravery of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, a common thought expressed is "Where do we get such men and women!" We need to ask this of Kerry, since he is the epitome of exactly the WRONG kind of person we should be marveling about. Maybe what's coming out about his past will reveal what a self-made little scheming 'tall' tale man he is.

The other saying relates to the anti-Kerry vets and the book and ad they're running. "All that's needed for evil to prevail is for GOOD men to do nothing." Yes, it's THAT always-true saying we should keep in mind, as we watch their GOD-SAVE-AMERICA efforts unfold. They are the ones to salute. The turkeys pushing Kerry are the ones whose motives should be investigated. Imagine where they must be coming from to actively PROMOTE such a NORTH VIETNAMESE CANDIDATE!

M x m = 1

Before I got hep to the Internet around 2000, and even sometime afterwards, I recorded myself on audiotape to capture what was happening in my own life, and my unrestrained thoughts about it, and everything else. This summer, just before hitting the hay, I've been plowing through these 'hilariously' humbling and raw flashbacks. From August 1996 a goldie oldie calls for explicating and extending.

Previously, I've played a lot with the hyperbolic equation, y = 1/x. Well, let's see if we can squeeze some more meaning out of it by turning back the clock to a point in time where it was used, implicitly.

One of the most basic ways Da Love Ananda changed the very use of capital letters was to have them distinguish between what a word means in Truth, and what it means conventionally. The most difficult division is probably the one between "Me" and "me". It's exceedingly easy to articulate, but awfully hard to understand, beyond words.

"Remember "Me" and fight!" says Krishna.

Da Love Ananda's core demand is to "Turn to Me = Radiant Transcendental Being = the One without an other" and thus to lose the "me" = the twenty watts ego taken to be true in CW. This correlates with the Hindu admonition to do an action without being the actor. My favorite story from Da about this is the following---the guru is essentially telling the devotee to always be 'painting a house', instead of 'playing', and by fulfilling that demand, it's impossible to forget the guru. The concomitant key result has to be that by NOT exercising attention on "me", the bad habit goes away. If you stop shooting free throws, you lose the habit, over time. What you put your attention on, you become. What you fail to put your attention on, you UN-become.

M x m = 1

So, my math training seems to have 'caused' me to come up with the formula, M x m = 1. Here, M = Me = Radiant Transcendental Being and m = me = the ego = the limited self.

BTW, another way of putting it, which may seem less egotistical, is also commonly used. Another way of referring to "me" is by use of the word "self", as in "I am myself". Hence, the obvious way to go is to call the "Self" the All, or Brahman. So, "Self" = "Me" and "self" = "me".

Here's the gist of it. On the other side of the equal sign, the "=", resides the "1", which is All-important. The Absolute Truth shining from this equation is that All is Always One = 1! Just as behind Maya, the dance of Reality, the shimmering waving appearance we all live in, and AS, is that from which it Comes, Brahma, it is likewise True that "the One = that, than which there is no other or otherness or others" is the Reality!

You can play with this at any level, but since I appear to be a human being, let me at least try to be 'sane' and communicate this UN-disease. On the left side of the equation, what's happening? While the right side never falters in being the ground/background for 'whatever', so All is Always One, in the appearing split world the product of 'my' level of evolution is expressed by "Me" x "me". This can be played with by attributing numbers to M and m. At a Bill Clinton-like extreme, who takes the world to revolve about him, his "m" = "me" could approach infinity. Let's just say it's 1,000,000. That means his realization of "M" = "Me" has to be 0.000001, so he's holding on to Radiant Transcendental Being by a nano thread! At the other extreme you'd find a highly evolved spiritual master, with barely any "m" = "me" conventional ego, which does happen a lot in India when deeply committed devotees throw away everything but a loincloth and wander as sadhus.

I think you can imagine the way this formula could apply to any person's life span, as a living variable that tells the Truth at each point in that life. Of course, it's all paradoxical! On the right, the Absolute Truth of the ONE and only, which needs no attainment, seems to clash with any current M x m state of realization. As they say, even the results of a long life of 24/7 hard work trying to attain Enlightenment is contained in the One and only, so the attainment, Itself, has to be----subjective! If any "me" goes all the way to "Me", who's left to say "I am Enlightened"?

Some Variations on this Theme

Let's get down and dirty by applying this form to the vital political war going on in America today. In the controlling dimension, the noosphere, I would take the essential split to be between "Truth" and "lie". These would relate to all the various events CHOSEN by each single human, which determines the forming process of the collective Reality.

T x l = 1

You can easily imagine how the same analysis, from above, applies, here. The BIG STORY, today, in my view, is the Kerry-in-Vietnam tale. Yes, I would bet that his story is an extreme made-up TALE, so it would be True that he would take the part of the "l" = lie in the equation. You could say that he is undergoing a supreme MAKE-OVER of his MADE-UP sham story, of which he will be SHAMED into such a saggy FACE, that no Botox will be able to mask his embarrassment! The anti-Kerry vets have chosen to take up the part of the "T" = Truth in this living equation, and the "times" = "x" between this part and Kerry's part, the "l" = lie, is the noospheric battlefield where intense "times they are a' changin'" has to take place.

What about that "x"?

We mustn't be fooled by the "x". A wonderfully playful way of explaining what the "x" is actually up to may be the following---in math we use the symbol, "x", to stand for multiplication, and this word can be called 'times', and what comes out of the equation sausage machine is called the 'product'. Therefore, let's just say that the war between the "T" and the "l" is a wild 'party' 'two-timing' product of ONE'S imagination! Picture an eternally erupting Old Faithful ONE, and it PRODUCES the appearance by striking the flinty "T" against the "l", and it MULTIPLIES new 'babies' to make up, or make over, the noosphere!

Thursday, August 05, 2004
Who Do You Believe?

The BIG QUESTION got a little airtime, by Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. The former was a disappointment, as he used Dick Morris to pooh pooh it. At least the attack dog, Sean Hannity, gave some time for one of the anti-Kerry guys to state his case. Most troubling was the guy who Kerry 'saved', by picking out of the water in a 'hail of bullets'.

Here's the huge problem. Kerry has something like eleven guys out of the twelve who were actually on the same Swift boat with him, who are on his side. Most tellingly, maybe, was the fact that the saved man voted Republican for over thirty years, and then switched to becoming a Kerry man the first part of this year, as he started his run for the Democratic nomination. Hmmm? I smell a rat.

The anti-Kerry spokesman said that the Kerry eleven had a different opinion of him, when they were in Viet Nam. What could have changed their minds? At first, I thought they decided to go for their fifteen minutes of fame, by getting TV time. But, wait just one darn minute!

Kerry is mega rich! What if he bought them off, giving them whatever they negotiated, when he had some slime ball lawyer surreptitiously approach them, before the campaign cranked up? I would NOT be at all surprised!

The best news was the answer to the question, "Would you pull the ads if Bush asked you?"


We'll see if they have the staying power to keep this story going. I bet there are enough people like me who will buy the upcoming book about all this, and that could make a big difference.

Kerry Is Carried Away!

Oh, how sweet it is for all the TRUTH birds to come to roost!

The really BIG NEWS is that the TRUE Band of Brothers has been able, and WILLING, to stand up like the Real Men they are, by exposing Big Bad John Kerry with a detailed book and a devastating ad. What goes around---

What is it with those cads who manage to climb to the top of the Democratic Party heap? I guess the very fact that such amoral full-of-BLIND-AMBITION types do so, proves the utter state of decay it is suffering. Rather reminds me of the way communism in the USSR imploded, with the members of the Nomenklatura holding out till the end, but at last becoming nothing.

The simple fact is that Kerry was carried away with the burning desire to be another JFK, which explains all his cheating and lying about his time in the Nam. And, today, his career is in a casket being carried away to be buried! How amazing that both Kerry and Clinton aped the original cad, John F. Kennedy, and they are getting their comeuppance!

I've discussed the original movie, "The Manchurian Candidate", before, and there's more to tell.

Who is John McCain?

To me, the most disturbing aspect of the firestorm starting to roar with those ads and the book by Kerry's ex-mates is John McCain's demand that they pull the ad. What's his problem? I've already expressed my wonder that he's likely been somewhat brainwashed from all those years he was a POW. What about this?

I'm not saying he was actually brainwashed like was done in the movie, but in a certain way you might say he, and Kerry, are "The Vietnamese Candidate"! Kerry definitely spent some four months fighting the communists, which was a strategic ploy, not to defend America and expand liberty, but a planned deal meant to prepare him for future high office---the presidency. And, in 1971 his antiwar stunts, which demeaned America, as well as his record as an extreme leftist, cum communist, ever since then, needs to be factored into this equation.

As for McCain, his brand of politics has not been very RIGHT WINGISH. Talk about using your heroic cachet to screw things up!

Let the GAMES begin!

There was a two-part program on PBS about the real Olympics that was very informative. Probably the very ending confessions from ex-Olympians said it all. Every single one of them said that they competed for themselves, pure and simple. It is so obvious, given the stage of growth of most members of the human race. This relates to the Political 'Olympic' Games, which are never-ending.


Remember the sine qua non three pillars for the happiest state of human affairs? You might be able to see the way they apply to Democrats and Republicans. IMHO the DEMS definitely COMPETE and enjoy the FREEDOM that still exists, in America. But, being beyond the law---lawless = criminals---they don't obey any rules, which means there is no JUSTICE where they are concerned. As for the Republicans, they do, more or less, play by the rules, so JUSTICE permeates their very being. At least they TRY to follow the rules, or de minimus give it lip service.

So, wrt the JUSTICE Kerry is now getting, in the court of public opinion, how will all the self-centered powerful elites play their cards?

Focus on McCain's defense of fellow Viet Nam vet, Kerry. This is of a piece with all that can be expected from all the lefties, whose kit's and caboodle's are in danger of being destroyed---they are joined at the asshole with Kerry. Like the good 'BAD' lawyers they are, they will trot out all the stale-with-nausea defenses, such as the GOOD Band of Brothers are lying, since they have a dog in this fight, or because they are being bought off by someone who does, or else they'll dispute the TIMING of it all, or anything else to divert attention from the BIG QUESTION---

Who's telling the truth?

Well, don't you wonder? Wouldn't it be most prudent to find out if it's all true, and that Kerry is a monstrous con artist, BEFORE he gets to be president? Shouldn't that be the JUSTICE requirement? Wouldn't any open minded person want to let the cards fall where they may, instead of end up with something like the cover-up of the original JFK's assasination?

There is one thing that's certain, in my view. This imbroglio cannot be good for Kerry. The talking heads have been given the rawest of meat, and there can be no doubt that even the self-confessed lefty types will be happy to get THEIR OWN fame by chewing it to death. It's always true that "What's in it for me?" channels the noospheric flow.

Exponential POLARIZING!

If you think the polity was extremely polarized before this bombshell, think again. The essence of it all, IMHO, is that the left is in for a BIG DOSE of its own medicine, since the TRUE HEROES who knew Kerry finally realized that they'd had enough, and it was time to fight back. FINALLY!

Some true patriots who still have some spine! Wouldn't you just know it, though, that they had to come from outside the Beltway, and be private citizens with little 'power'---except for knowing the TRUTH.

When the defenders of the liberal faith debate, I'd say you should look for a lot of arm crossing. Just like that editor put his hands over his ears and screamed, "I don't want to hear this!", when a writer of his offered to tell some of what he knew about the Vince Foster 'suicide', you can be positive that that will be the hard-shell-like action.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Vicious TRUTHS

What's the latest salient poop about the election?

With exactly 90 days to go before the climaxing date, November second, three things call for attention. Yes, picture me coming on my blogging STAGE, and saluting, like Kerry did, reporting for duty! May that phony ploy become so sickeningly well known that it rivals Dukakis in that tank!

A most remarkable debate on Hannity and Colmes, last night, between Sean Hannity and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., I believe, got so raw that I actually had to flip channels. God bless Hannity! He was like a dog with a bone in his teeth and he would NOT let go! After letting the guest have his say, he quoted from the book, which Kennedy was pushing, about how Bush is a fascist and the worst environmental president, and called him out as an extremist kook! The tension was fantastic! But, better still was when Sean stated that the guy was being hypocritical by flying his own jet and playing NIMBY by being against a windmill near his huge estate! Oh---it was so raw!

Today on wsj.com a Mr. Freedman, I believe, had a piece about the two nations any politician must face. I could have written it, since it exposed the bare bones of the political game's body I've long known about. The reminder of how Nixon used the phrase, "The Silent Majority", to fend off any need to be concerned with the hyperactive protestors and all the vile bile from his hated leftist political junky elites, reconnected with the reality we're now in. How sweet it is!

The third piece was by a young lady on opinionjournal.com, in defense of vicious political campaigns. Precisely RIGHT! In relation to the previous article describing the TWO NATIONS, this is perfectly obvious---all's fair in love and war, and if ever an election was about WAR, it's this one! I was especially thankful when she told about her experience in 1988, when in the eighth grade. She epitomized the part of the NATION that pays NO attention to elections, mostly, when she responded to her teacher's question, "What do you think of Dukakis?" Her only possible answer was the famous "He's a card-carrying member of the ACLU from the liberal state of Massachusetts!" Ah, I was instantly transported to those glorious days leading up to his destruction, when I was close to a ten year-old boy and his seven year-old sister! In fact, I have videotape of us discussing that!

It's going to be lots of fun for us political junkies, especially because of all the 527 organizations on the far left, with oodles of money to make VICIOUS ads. We'll likely have one of the 'HOTTEST' summers of a long time! Maybe the use of the F word by Cheney is merely a sign of future events. I hope some of the rabid dogs get physical! Wouldn’t it be a VIOLENT hoot for Hannity and Carville to duke it out?

Pluck CIVILITY out of the political EYE, like the BEAM in the fool's EYE at CBS, et al!

Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Who's Kerryed Away?

It will take some time for the stinking truth emanating from John Kerry to be fully inhaled by all people who actually vote, come November. However, after digesting my daily sources on the Internet, a single factoid that ended one of them leapt up and bit me.

LIAR, LIAR, your pants are on FIRE = LIBERAL!

Here's the nub of the GREAT AWAKENING we're just beginning. You know how becoming enlightened, or even simply becoming aware of something mundane that you'd previously not known, necessarily has various barriers to pass through? In the everyday vulgar world, the saying "Talk is cheap" comes to mind. However, it's spirituality that gives us the, perhaps, most useful barrier. One of the hardest errors to stop making is what's called "Talking God". You can see this happening all around the place. So many of us only TALK a good story and don't LIVE it.

Now, let's apply this to the present Kerry mania, our blooming 'mint' tulip. So far, even the most AWAKE and rabid anti-Kerry types have not grown past the TRAP of WORDS. This means that all the use of the WORD "Liberal", usually in regards to his voting record, as the top "Liberal" in the senate, is still not beyond the 'SKIN'. It's like the huge difference between TALKING about sex and experiencing the BLISS full bodily.

Kerry is the 2004 model of McGovern!

Therefore, I predict that as the truth-telling Republican campaign ads really roll out with the best nuggets from Kerry's past, people will start to have fantastic rushes of experiences from their own past that will cause them to get beyond mere WORDS. This leads me to my NUB, from today---

Kerry campaigned for McGovern!

Go ahead and meditate on THAT! Actually RE-LIVE that election, if you were an adult at the time, and FEEL what it felt like.

I wager that all the attempts by Kerry to fool the voters will backfire, BIGTIME! If you think that the drip, drip, drip water torture of saying he can't be trusted, since he's a FLIP FLOPPING con artist, has done all of the damage to his credibility is over, to quote Reagan---


He ought to go ahead and embrace his hard left base, and at least be HONEST, but he can't now. That would be the worst FLIP FLOP!

Wanna bet he does worse that Dukakis and maybe even McGovern? Especially with Nader in the race to steal votes from him, I find it hard to see how he could get up to 40% of the popular vote.

I can just picture those daily debates, say between Ann Coulter and a spokesman for the Kerry campaign, with Ann repeatedly saying "Kerry worked for McGovern." Let the leftist mouthpieces try to deflect that FACT with 'happy warrior' tracking polls that 'prove' he's ahead by such and such points. Every time, like trying to teach a child that one plus one is two, keep repeating, "Kerry worked for McGovern".

Sometimes, in order to break through the WORDS barrier, you must be very, very specific. Hence, repeating the FACT that he's a LIBERAL (a generality) is not as painfully evocative as repeating the worst SPECIFIC case that illustrates this, the FACT that "Kerry worked for McGovern!"

We're used to the FACT that for a Democrat the WORD "Liberal" has become a dirty word. But, man oh man! To point out the FACT that Kerry committed the horrendous political CRIME of supporting the socialist dove, George McGovern, has to be the WEAPON of MASS DESTRUCTION, politically.

Kerry is a McGovernite!

Isn't that WONDERFUL!

Monday, August 02, 2004

How many ways are there to play with "BLOCKS"?

Am I experiencing writer's BLOCK, or am I ever at the starter's BLOCK? Some might wish it would be the former, since it sure seems like I always have a lot to say about everything---and then some!

Still, just consider all the most basic ways the word, and its concept, "BLOCK" can be used.

America recently endured (for some) or enjoyed (for others) one of the two top-of-the-line BLOCK PARTIES, climaxed by the BLOCKED 'hair' speech given by Kerry. You could truthfully say that he, and his minions, believes they were completely successful at BLOCKING out the light of truth, so that they were able to totally fool the political public. Yes, the more I think about this, the better I like the idea. But, you know what? Not only are we truly in a new world post 9-11, wrt being in a real war, but we are also, concomitantly, adjusting to the ongoing revolution in the noosphere. That is, after the very FOOLING eight years of Clinton--- the epitome of FOOLISHNESS, since the definition of a FOOL is someone who does things that are against his best wishes, and Clintonism is most marked by its utter failure to try to protect the USA---the public has had a continuous stream of rising CONSCIOUSNESS, led by, perhaps, Fox TV news. Hence, the perceptions of people, one by one, have been bombarded by competing images and arguments from the guiding elite class, with the result being that a lot of people are waking up.

Die-hard BLOCKERS and BLOCKED humans

All this could be a way to understand the extreme coalescing of the electorate, with the hard BLOCKING of so many leftists into an animal-like hatred of Bush, as well as the opposite steely-jawed people, like me, who have ZERO doubt about it all.

The Female BLOCK

One of my favorite filters goes to the split between the mommy's party, the Democrats, and the daddy's party, the Republicans. It looks like I'll have to update that simpleminded way of making sense of politics. A couple of days ago I read a piece on NRO that headlined---"Women are not mostly Democrats". The most recent polling showed that it was essentially breakeven, something like 35% for both sides and the balance saying they were independents. Could this be a telling BLOCK sign, a wicked one for Liberals?

Has the Democratic 'vehicle' been put up on BLOCKS?

With the big news, yesterday, of specific threats to buildings in New York City and other places, and especially the major league responses, coming right on the heels of the Democratic convention, I sense something huge. You know, it seems like we just re-experienced 9-11 again, at least in our collective imaginations. With all the hyperventilating and pontificating by all the scheming leftists, over the last seven month run-up to the final choosing of their presidential candidate, it's as if the country's been fed so much non-serious crap. There's nothing like a REAL and VERIFIABLE threat to shake you out of complacency. This tells me that, all at once, just like that, the on-its-face WEAK rejoinder employed by the leftists, when Bush used images of 9-11 in an ad, that "He dare not do that!", is kaput! As I've said many times, the wicked witch of the Democrats is a' dying, right before our eyes. To mix metaphors, the leftist 'vehicle', by its drivers very own CHOICE, has been taken off the road, retired, and put UP ON BLOCKS. What can such a machine do, only, except---SPIN ITS WHEELS! Full of sound and fury---INDEED, HATRED!---signifying NOTHING!

Children playing with BLOCKS, verses adults using BLOCKS to create LIBERTY

Don't forget, ever, that Lenin had it right, in that in order for any revolution to be possible, it is a GOOD thing for BAD things to happen. Too, extend this idea to the three basic choices always facing us---E-volution, Re-volution, or De-volution. Things ALWAYS change, so the GOOD key is to use POWER to create GOOD outcomes, within the limits of possibilities. In this respect, when any person makes important choices, such as voting for president, they should ask themselves, "Which candidate is being most childish, merely playing with BLOCKS, and which one is seriously engaged in using BLOCKS to create GOOD?" As I think on the Bush verses Kerry hard edged bright line in the sand choice, even spicing it up with Nader, I find it difficult to imagine how much easier it could be for any AWAKE voter?


Yes, it seems to me that the Democrats are defined by using 'whatever' to BLOCK out the SUN LIGHT, which would expose them as the dangerous-to-civilization's DEATH children they are. I remember learning about some of those Great Awakenings in America's history. Using that as a leaping off point let me repeat myself, maybe more forcefully and clearly---

The War on Terrorists is a LIGHT shining on REAL reality, and is the 24/7 thing that has to result in the AWAKENING of more and more people, first in America, but eventually even in Europe. The defining aspect of our age, then, is this AWAKENING.

BLOCK out the enemy! BLOCK that shot!

An essential aspect of this AWAKENING will be the continuation of the football-like BLOCKING protecting being done by all the security HREOES, at home and abroad. Indeed, like an ever-adjusting rocket racing towards an incoming missile, this BLOCKING will be enhanced, and always aim for perfection! Now, this use of BLOCKING is my kind of gutsy guy!

Put them in CELL BLOCKS

We must not forget the need to put captured enemies in CELL BLOCKS.

When all this is done, with strong force and increasing wisdom, so that the AWAKENING has reached the tipping point, and the troublemakers are truly reduced to a few minor criminals, mankind can actually have a giant coming out---


Sunday, August 01, 2004
The POLL 'Taxes' our Attention, for no GOOD Reason

Well, the quickie results are now in, and I was correct in predicting Kerry would get no bounce from the convention---check out the USA Today article posted by Drudge. Any fool who's following closely, like the political junkie I am, had to know this would happen, given the highly polarized situation, but most importantly, the fact that some amazing 90% of voters say they've made up their mind.

I left my extreme right wing plantation, or is that reservation, a couple of days ago and read a transcript on Hugh Hewitt's web site, of a speech the disgusting Michael Moore gave to his fans. It was a very long read, and it hurt to read it. However, it did bring back raw memories from the days when I was a crazy as he is. Let me just say it gave strong PITH to the total intensity fuming out of such extreme BIG FAT IDIOTS, which will have to have an exceptional impact on what happens during the rest of the campaign.

Just think---if they managed to present a tamed and well-mannered convention, and NOTHING HAPPENED, it might mean that the caged animals, like Dean and Moore, will escape and resume an even uglier series of attacks on Bush. The fury will be something to behold! Do you think it will be better for Kerry to ignore his wildly liberal base, or for this base to stand proud, and fall?

Again, my intuition continues to force me to predict a blowout election, with the extreme leftists in such disarray that major changes will have to be made. The analogy that keeps arising is the way elections in this country go, with the right wing ever too honest and soft, as the leftists, being beyond ANYTHING, lie, cheat and steal in order to hold the illegitimate power the manage to gain, verses the way the Coalition of the Willing, as Victor Davis Hanson writes all the time, failed to utterly destroy the Ba'athists.

A further aside---today was that special first Sunday of the month on which C-Span offers a three-hour conversation with some hot author. Today we got to hear Simon Winchester, who I'd enjoyed, mucho, some time back when he was pushing his latest book, "On the Meaning of Everything". He's a charming and kind Englishman of about 60, who lives in Massachusetts. Toward the end of the program, someone asked if he'd said that the Rosenburgs had been badly treated. Up till then, I'd had no clue of his politics, even though he had waxed with praise for the New York Times. Then, when he let down his guard, it all became quite transparent.

The guy is married to a Chinese woman and he is glad Klaus Fuchs was "WISE" and brave enough to pass on nuclear secrets to the Russians! Just so, he believes that in the near future, say around twenty years from now, it will be a good thing when China becomes a balancing power against the USA! All of a sudden I could see the prototypical British spy, epitomized by this slick product of that country's elite 'PUBIC-LICK' schools! They are still among us! And, get this---he'd said, earlier, that he planned on becoming a citizen of America!

It all embarrassed me, that I'd been sucked in to his brilliant un-political 'wisdom', when all the time he was exactly like an Alger Hiss!